Monday, 22 June 2015


Hi Lovelies! Happy Monday! 
Hope you all enjoyed your weekend, so todays post features a never ending trend; Vintage! I know the idea of using something that has belonged to someone else is kind of daunting. But as some would say 'one mans trash, is another mans treasure' - but anyways.. I particularly love finding things for my home. In fact most of the time, I end up using my findings for something completely different.

Vintage Binoculars - Charity shop 

Vintage Camera Kiev - *was a gift

The two items I want to blab about are my vintage binoculars and kiev vintage camera (which actually still works). Me ? I LOVE a bargain(who doesn't? - I came across these binoculars a few weeks ago, while browsing in our local charity shop - the binoculars were super cheap, I think I ended up paying something like £1.50
actually use the binoculars and case as a book end- it does the job and looks great!

The kiev camera was actually a gift to my boyfriend, but I've sort of taken it over. I just use it for 'show&tell' decor around the flat to be honest, but I'm sure in the next few months I'll find a more practical way to use it around the flat.
**Please remember you do not have trek all the way to camden or brick lane for vintage/thrifted bits!
Don't be afraid to walk in to that charity shop!

Good luck with your finds!


// ALSO feel free to share this blog post or alternatively if you have an vintage post or similar, comment below as I'd love to see!!


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